Bilder funnet i søk: Tilbake til søk
A cozy room features a table adorned with a vase of colorful flowers and an open book. A vibrant quilt decorates the wall, while a bookshelf filled with books and a white bust embellishes the corner. Natural light streams through a striped curtain, illuminating the eclectic decor.
Bilde id: TunB0009
Bilde id: TunB0009

Interiør / Interior



Kunstner: Tunold, Bernt (1877-1946)
År: 1941
Original størrelse: 96x110 cms
Sted: Privat samling / Private collection
A cozy room features a table adorned with a vase of colorful flowers and an open book. A vibrant quilt decorates the wall, while a bookshelf filled with books and a white bust embellishes the corner. Natural light streams through a striped curtain, illuminating the eclectic decor.
Bildestørrelse: Høyoppløst tiff & jpg, 300 dpi
Fotokreditering: © O. Væring
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